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14 Best Breakfast Smoothie Recipes to Lose Weight

If you’ve been searching for breakfast smoothie recipes to lose weight, look no further!

There are so many recipes out there for breakfast smoothies, but which ones can help you lose weight? It’s just too much to hunt for when you wake up in the morning.

The good news is that here at Snoozerville, we’ve put together a list of delicious, healthy breakfast smoothie recipes to lose weight and save you precious time in the morning.

Read on for 14 fantastic recipes to kick start your day and your weight loss!

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Does Breakfast Really Help You Lose Weight?


There are plenty of healthy breakfast options but sometimes a smoothie just hits the spot.

Fresh ingredients, protein powders, nut butters, spices, milks — there is such diversity in what you can prepare. Even with Snoozerville’s list of 14 breakfast smoothie recipes to lose weight, you could have a different one every morning for 2 weeks!

But, it’s not as simple as just eating breakfast and losing weight.

The quality and quantity of what you eat for breakfast matters as does the timing of your breakfast.

To complicate it further, each person is different based on their age, weight, height, sex, body composition, pre-existing conditions, and the list goes on.

For weight loss, one thing is for sure, choosing a healthier option is going to get you closer to your weight loss goal. Skip the processed junk.

Making a high in protein, high fiber choice will fill you up and prevent you from overeating later.

14 Delicious Breakfast Smoothie Recipes to Lose Weight More Easily

Waking up in the morning is so much easier when you’ve got a delicious smoothie to look forward to.

Keep that healthy metabolism burning and get breakfast for the next couple of weeks planned out with these fourteen healthy smoothie recipes to lose weight.

1. Creamy banana smoothie with maple syrup


Frozen banana (or fresh) is a staple of the smoothie and healthy food world.

From a nutrition standpoint, bananas are high in fiber, which can help keep you full and prevent you from overeating later in the day. Also, they are high in vitamins and minerals which help your whole body function better.

Maple syrup is a great alternative to processed sugar and scores lower on the glycemic index. Translated, that means that it’s less likely to cause a mid-morning sugar crash compared to other sweeteners. What’s more, it’s packed with antioxidants.

Give this creamy breakfast smoothie recipe a try on morning number one.

2. Mango smoothies with spinach


There’s a good reason Popeye got so strong from eating spinach. The benefits of spinach are well known.

Flavonoids in spinach possess anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. When you blend these greens into a smoothie, you make a nutrient powerhouse. Nutritious food is important for weight loss because if you’re malnourished, it can cause you to overeat.

The natural sweetness and tangy flavor of mangoes aren’t all this tropical fruit has going for it. Mango is a good source of fiber, keeping you full for longer.

Try this healthy ingredient tropical delight recipe and imagine yourself sitting by the pool in your new swimsuit which looks great because of your new weight loss!

3. Vegan hemp seed and leafy greens smoothie


This recipe may include some ingredients that you’re unfamiliar with but you should have no problem finding them at your local grocery or health food store.

Hemp seeds are a source of protein and other healthy vitamins, minerals, and oils. Three tablespoons of hemp seeds deliver 10 grams of protein.

And you can’t go wrong with leafy greens. Fiber, nutrients, antioxidants, affordability, vibrant green color — they’re a dream food for any meal of the day. Bonus points if you can head to your local farmers market to pick up a bundle of these in season.

4. Berry banana breakfast smoothie recipe


This berry banana breakfast smoothie recipe is so good, you will be dreaming about it.

It’s a nutrient-dense mixed berry smoothie with plenty of dietary fiber, plus protein from the low-fat vanilla yogurt, that will help keep you full through right until lunch.

The ripe banana adds a creaminess and sweetness to eliminate any tartness in the berries.

The best part, it takes just five minutes to blend up. This pairing is a match made in smoothie heaven.

5. Easy detox smoothie recipe


While this detox smoothie requires a bit more assembly as it has seven ingredients (apple, fresh spinach, ginger, frozen pineapple, banana, cilantro, lime juice), it may be just what your weary body ordered.

If time is a concern for you, consider prepping your ingredients before bedtime so you can just pop the pitcher on the blender base first thing in the AM.

6. Vegan breakfast shake recipe with plain plant-based protein powder


Even if you aren’t vegan, this is a great breakfast protein smoothie recipe for weight loss.

This smoothie combines the ubiquitous frozen banana with some more interesting ingredients — cashew butter and maca powder. Both of these ingredients have a pretty long shelf life so don’t worry about them going to waste.

Maybe you’re a die-hard whey protein powder fan, but give plant-based protein powder a chance. It’s a great alternative and you may just find that you like it more. Try it!

7. Pumpkin pie smoothie


Yes, it’s possible, pumpkin pie can be healthy and still delicious! But sorry, you’ll have to skip the heavy cream and sugar if you want to get the weight loss benefits.

Pumpkin is a great choice because it is such a nutritional powerhouse. Not only does it have fiber to help keep you full, but it also has all sorts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It has been used as nutritional medicine for millennia.

So pick up some pumpkin pie spice and give this delicious recipe a try any time of the year by swapping fresh local pumpkin for canned pumpkin.

8. Lemon and ginger smoothie


Channel the flavor gods for this spicy, sweet and sour wake-me-up morning smoothie.

If decadent creaminess isn’t your thing, give this fresh lemon juice and ginger smoothie recipe a try.

Ginger is an absolute superfood. Check this out, here are some of the benefits of ginger: used for arthritis, cramps, sprains, sore throats, rheumatism, muscular aches, pains, vomiting, constipation, indigestion, hypertension, dementia, fever, and infectious diseases. Plus, it tastes great!

In 5 minutes, you can have sunshine in a cup with this great weight loss smoothie!

9. Blueberry almond butter smoothie


This 5-minute recipe will have you feeling full all morning. The combo of fruit, almond butter, and optional protein powder is not only delicious but it’s the kind of breakfast smoothie that gets your healthy day started on the right foot.

Because of the addition of almond butter to this one, make sure you have a strong blender because you’ll need it to make sure your smoothie gets a full blend.

10. Easy 2-minute frozen fruit smoothie


While none of these weight loss smoothies take long to prepare, if you have a seriously busy morning, this easy 2-minute frozen fruit smoothie is for you.

You don’t even need ice because you’re using frozen fruit. It is as easy as it gets!

What makes it even easier is that you can use pretty much any kind of milk — dairy milk, oat milk, unsweetened almond milk, vanilla almond milk, coconut milk. So, grab your milk of choice and get blending.

Come on, no excuses here!

11. Strawberry, banana, spinach, pea protein smoothie


This protein fruit smoothie recipe has all the staples — frozen banana, strawberries, and greens — but ups the protein factor with pea protein powder.

Adding protein powder to your morning smoothie is a great way to start your day off feeling full and satiated which will help prevent you from grazing the company break room donut box.

Give pea protein powder a try. It’s a great vegan alternative to whey proteins.

12. Omega 3 green smoothie with flaxseed oil


Talk about a superfood smoothie recipe. This one is more vegetable-heavy than the others so it’s a nice switch up from your usual fruity smoothie routine.

It’s packed with nutrients, fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Nourish your body before or after a morning workout with this smoothie.

13. Cinnamon roll whey protein shake


Craving comfort food? If you have a sweet tooth and you are missing your morning cinnamon roll as you try to lose weight, give this healthy smoothie recipe a try.

The Greek yogurt/vanilla protein powder combo checks off the morning serving of protein box.

Try adding whey protein powder because you’ll feel full for longer, reducing the chance that you’ll be staring down that vending machine candy bar by 10:00.

14. Dark chocolate smoothie for the brain


Who says chocolate can’t be for breakfast?

Dark chocolate is an ancient health food and only becomes really problematic for weight loss when you add a bunch of extra sugar and milk to it.

Dark chocolate is known for its antioxidants and when paired with the right ingredients, like in this recipe, can also be a great alternative to coffee in the morning because it can increase blood flow to the brain and keep you alert for 2-3 hours.

This is a perfect smoothie for all you chocoholics with a weight loss goal. So get your dark cocoa powder and get blending.

In conclusion…

There you have it, fourteen delicious breakfast smoothie recipes to lose weight.

Whether you like a tropical vibe, a refreshing tang, a berry bonanza, decadent creaminess or you’re a chocoholic, there’s a healthy nutritious option for you.

With all these great smoothie recipes at your disposal, there’s no excuse to not give some a try.

Have your own favorite healthy option? Let us know! Share it in our Facebook group – Sleep Tips.

If you’re working hard at the gym, you might want to add a little protein to your breakfast smoothies. Try this Paleo Protein Powder made with all-natural ingredients.