8 Natural Remedies for Falling Asleep Quickly


If you’re looking to fall asleep quicker, stay asleep longer, and improve daytime performance then natural remedies for falling asleep are worth considering.  In certain cases, a doctor may prescribe a sleep aid but generally, these medications come with unpleasant side effects. Similarly, an over the counter sleep medicine, like NyQuil, often leads to drowsiness … Read more

What Dan Gartenberg Says About the Brain Benefits of Sleep – Snoozerville


According to Dan Gartenberg, sleep is crucial for the brain.  The problem is that you probably don’t prioritize sleep enough. In this TED talk, Dr. Dan Gartenberg explains just how badly lack of sleep can damage your mental and physical well-being. Read on to learn why a bit more time in bed is so important for your brain and … Read more