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Top 15 Instagram Baby Sleep Coaches of 2024 – Snoozerville

Struggling to get your child to bed at night? Feel like sleep deprivation is taking over? Want to learn healthy sleep habits for you and your baby?

These baby sleep coaches have the answers to poor sleep.

Experts in building routines and helping your little one overcome sleep difficulties, a pediatric sleep consultant uses sleep science to help create better sleep environments for your family.

Calling all exhausted parents — a healthy sleep foundation can improve your daily life no end.

If you need help with pediatric sleep and harmonizing your life balance, check out these 15 incredible baby sleep coaches on Instagram.

(Note. While we earn commission from the links in this article, we only recommend the products we truly believe will improve your sleep the most. These commissions come at no extra expense to you and help us to keep providing you with expert sleep information for free.)

What’s a Baby Sleep Coach?


You’ve read a whole shelf of books about baby sleep but you still can’t get your baby to sleep through the night. Sound familiar?

Baby sleep coaches are specialists that help you to address sleep issues with your baby, toddler, or child.

Instead of facing sleepless nights unprepared, baby sleep consultants act like a personal trainer. They provide you with strategies, routines, and tips to help your little one develop quality sleep habits to curb those night wakings.

Some infant sleep coaches will help you to develop a sleep plan, while others will focus on running you through a sleep training program. You can find help with creating effective bedtime routines and planning out achievable steps to sleep success.

How Can an Instagram Baby Sleep Coach Help?

Ideal for exhausted parents, following a sleep coach on Instagram provides you with a few extra techniques to try. If that’s not enough, you can always reach out to them directly to access their sleep coaching packages.

Importantly, getting help from a sleep coach allows you to restore a healthy sleep pattern as a parent.

As infant sleep consultant, Cara Dumaplin, puts it:

“Parents, you don’t have to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted. You deserve to enjoy your baby’s first years, and with the right tools, you can enjoy both your sleep and the joy of parenthood.

Check out Cara’s Insta for more helpful advice at @takingcarababies. If you’re looking for sleep training programs customized by age or one-to-one sleep consultancy, reach out to Cara.

4 Must-Have Bedtime Products for Babies

Social media will have you believing that you need a whole ton of baby sleep aids and bedtime linens and babygrows.

If you buy only four things, make sure it’s these:

  • Swaddles. Swaddles give newborn babies the same tight feeling they have in the womb. This makes the fourth-trimester transition into the world easier and softer.
  • Sleep sacks. Once your baby is rolling, they need to move from a swaddle to a sleep sack. While you get lots of blankets as gifts, it’s hard to keep a blanket tucked-in around your baby in a cot. Sleep sacks provide the warmth, comfort, and slight pressure babies like for sleep, but they’re attached around the baby so they won’t flap into their face like a blanket might.
  • The right PJs. If your baby is too hot or too cold, they’ll struggle to sleep. You’ll want both long and short rompers for summer and winter. Natural fibers like cotton and wool are breathable, while man-made fibers like nylon tend to be a little more clammy.
  • Lavender oil. Lavender-scented nighttime products not only have a sleepy aromatherapeutic effect, but they also create an olfactory cue for your bedtime routine. In other words, the baby smells lavender and knows it’s time to relax. Try a few drops on a muslin over the radiator or add a few drops to almond oil for an after-bath lotion.

15 Highly-Revered Instagram Baby Sleep Coaches with Top-Notch Tips and Tricks

Baby sleep coaches can help with all aspects of sleep training.

If you’re looking for a way to help your child sleep so you can get better rest at night, try following these highly-experienced baby sleep specialists.

1. Best for Multi-Kid Families: Cara Dumaplin – @takingcarababies


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Cara Dumpalin is a certified pediatric sleep consultant, a neonatal nurse, and a mom of four. She’s extremely passionate about teaching parents how to help their children sleep by combining her nursing knowledge and her mothering heart.

Cara offers sleep support packages and consultancy that help parents develop achievable steps toward better nights. She also has lots of online resources and a few books.

Featured on Good Morning America, in People magazine, Parents, and Huffpost, Cara is a well-known and highly-revered sleep coach who is dedicated to helping parents reclaim the joy in parenting.

As one happy customer, Lorraine, puts it:

“Cara totally saved our lives as first time parents, I love how she explains it in a calm and reassuring way – sleeping training is hard and I felt heartbroken before when we were trying other methods. However, after taking Cara’s course, I felt much more confident and know there’s flexibilities to customise the plan to suit our family and still reach our goal, so everyone gets a good sleep. It was the best programme we’ve attended.”


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Cara’s Instagram is a wonderful goody bag filled with posts, reels, stories, and videos that deal with all kinds of sleep issues, from dream feeding to sleep regression to creating boundaries with family.

Cara gives advice toddler and baby sleep tips on how to:

  • Set bedtime routines
  • Overcome ‘bad mom’ self-talk
  • Recognize normal infant sleep patterns and signals
  • Improve naps
  • Combine toddler and baby bedtime routines

To learn more about Cara’s life-saving sleep courses, click here.

2. Best for Informational reels: Chrissy Lawler – @the.peaceful.sleeper


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Having practiced therapy for nearly a decade, Chrissy Lawler realized that sleep was a common issue among her patients. This drove her to study advanced sleep medicine and to make it her mission to address mental health challenges around sleep.

As a baby sleep consultant, Chrissy aims to take the stress out of sleep training so that parents can enjoy their role as parents. She does this by giving clear, honest instructions on how to manage key stages of raising babies and toddlers.

On her Instagram, she provides a whole rainbow of reels that offer how-to guides, sleep training techniques, and Q&As.


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Chrissy also offers comprehensive sleep training courses for different months of age, along with one-on-one sleep training consultancy.

As one happy customer, Melissa puts it:

“You will NOT be disappointed!! You and your family deserve restful sleep.”

She advises on both toddler and baby sleep, with tips on how to:

  • Drop naps
  • Swaddle
  • Deal with sleep regressions
  • Handle sleeping while traveling
  • Create a sleep schedule
  • Initiate independent sleep, and more.

3. Best for a Laugh: Andrea De La Torre – @babysleep.answers


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Mom of two and founder of Baby Sleep Answers, Andrea De La Torre, started her website to help other moms who were struggling with the same sleep issues she was encountering with her little one.

Offering one-on-one consultancy and a range of sleep training resources, Andrea’s website is a treasure trove of great information for parents who need advice from a sleep trainer.


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When you follow Andrea on Instagram, you not only get a bunch of highly-relatable memes, but she also offers Instagram Q&A reels that answer some of the most pressing questions about putting babies to bed successfully.

You’ll learn tips on:

  • Forgiving yourself for parenting mistakes
  • Making well-informed choices
  • Letting go
  • Planning nap routines
  • Unexpected behavior

4. Best for Adults and Babies: Sleepably – @sleepably


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Sleepably is a team of sleep coaches serving adults and kids. Sarah Nudd and Rebecca Schlegel are pediatric sleep consultants, and Seth David is an adult sleep coach.

Together they offer online and telephone adult and baby sleep coaching.

They have sleep training packages for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and up to 12’s. They also offer custom courses for adults.

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Their Instagram feed is filled with explainer posts, reels, news articles, funny memes, and more.

Follow this account to learn about:

  • Sleep hygiene
  • Being a working mother
  • The latest sleep science
  • Managing trauma

5. Best for Twins: Desiree Baird – @the_sleepcoach

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Known as the Pediatric Sleep Coach, Desiree Baird is the mother of three who has been a qualified sleep consultant for around five years.

A mother of twins herself, Desiree has a specially-designed sleep package for twins, as well as many others. She also offers gentle customized sleep plans.


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Desiree’s Instagram is jam-packed with hands-on advice to help tackle the different stages of baby sleep, along with content that helps answer some of the top questions for new parents.

You can also head to her Instagram to find out about live online speaking events that Desiree is hosting or guest speaking at.

Follow Desiree if you’re looking for:

  • Advice on twins
  • Real-life stories and experiences
  • Simple how-to guides
  • Healthy play ideas
  • Tips on how to improve bedroom environments

6. Best Real-Life Midwife: Julia Fensom – @jfthebabyconsultant


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Baby sleep consultant, Julia Fensom, gives you a real-life look into her life as a mom-of-four, midwife, and nurse.

Julia offers customized baby sleep courses with video consultation and follow-up. This gives you one-to-one dialogue with a midwife.

Her Insta has a lovely array of reels and videos that show what it’s like to be a midwife, along with some top tips for helping your baby through the early stages.

Follow Julia if you’d like:

  • Cute videos of newborns
  • To see a midwife in action
  • Tips for handling your newborn
  • Insta Lives with medical experts
  • Health & wellness tips

7. Best for Families: The Lullaby Lady Sleep Expert – @thelullabylady


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The Lullaby Lady Sleep Expert, Heather Dent, is a trained certified child sleep consultant from the world-renowned Family Sleep Institute. She specializes in sleep safety, child behaviors, special needs, and sleep disorders.

She believes in helping families to create a harmonious sleep schedule and environment that suits them, whether it’s newborn parents or big families of toddlers.

Heather offers sleep support packages for newborn to toddler parents, which comprise comprehensive training materials, coaching calls, and a personal sleep action plan.

Heather’s Instagram features a mixture of reels and posts that provide advice, answers tips, and suggest strategies to overcome all kinds of sleep issues.


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You’ll find advice that helps you to deal with:

  • Baby’s nap routine
  • Sleep regressions at different ages
  • Bedtime schedules
  • Sleep tools
  • Holiday tips, and more

8. Best for Mom Memes: Natalie Willes – @babysleeptrainer


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Natalie Willes has been consulting parents on baby sleep for over eight years. She considers it her life’s work to help children sleep better to improve health for the whole family.

Offering two different age-appropriate sleep programs, Natalie also provides her clients with one-on-one sleep consultancy and a range of resources through her blog.


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Natalie’s Instagram has videos and posts that offer tips on improving sleep for your little one. However, mainly, you’ll get to enjoy a whole host of entertaining sleep-related memes.

You’ll find advice that helps you to deal with:

  • Baby’s nap routine
  • Sleep regressions at different ages
  • Bedtime schedules
  • Sleep tools

9. Best for Mom Power: Ally Gets Sleep – @allygetssleep


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Based out of Newfoundland, Canada, Ally Guenther is a certified sleep coach for children and babies.

Having worked 5pm to 4am shifts in the service industry, Ally thought she knew what tiredness was. Then she became a mother.

After battling with her daughter’s sleep, Ally decided to start a career in sleep coaching. Now she offers three different sleep packages with varying support options for babies and toddlers aged over 4 months. These plans help you form each logical step in getting a better quality of sleep for your family.


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Ally brands her feed as ‘🤷🏻‍♀️ Motherhood unfiltered’, and she uses a mixture of cool graphics, reels showing her family life, and pearls of wisdom.

Follow Ally for:

  • Inspirational memes
  • Checklists
  • Snapshot posts with top tips
  • An insider look into her family
  • Understanding red flags

10. Best for Webinars: Heidi Skudder – @theparentandbabycoach


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Known as The Parent and Baby Coach, Heidi Skudder, has a background in psychology. Combining her childcare experience with her coaching and psychology background, Heidi created The Parent and Baby Coach as a sleep-coaching service to help struggling parents.

She has helped over 2000 families over 18 years with sleep, feeding, and behavior issues with babies and toddlers.


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Her Instagram is a fun mix of reels, memes, funny quotes, and direct advice on baby sleep and various behavioral issues. You’ll also get information on Heidi’s latest podcast appearances.

Check out Heidi’s Insta for:

  • reels about newborn sleep
  • Advice on weaning
  • Q&As
  • Seasonal baby advice
  • Motivational quotes

11. Best for Scientific Methods: Emma Thompson – @baby_sleep_coach


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Emma Thompson is a certified infant and child sleep consultant and mother of two who works with children aged three weeks to five years old.

Pairing her consultancy with her degree in Applied Science, Emma is dedicated to injecting scientific methods into her work.

She offers sleep routines, consultancy packages, and online support for her clients. She’ll even do in-person one-on-one support for those who live locally to her in Melbourne, Australia.


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Emma’s Instagram is a great place to head if you’re looking for hands-on tactics for both babies and toddlers. For example, her recent toddler sleep tips series features comprehensive lists of strategies to try and the science behind why they work.

Not only is Emma’s Instagram aesthetically beautiful,  but it’s also full of great advice that points out lots of interesting things you may not know, like signs of tiredness you’re missing or signals that you should be dropping naps.

Head to Emma’s Instagram for:

  • Dos and Don’ts
  • Giveaways
  • Scientific methodologies
  • Health & wellness advice
  • Advice lists
  • Q&As

12. Best for Gentle Parenting: The Gentle Sleep Coach – @thegentlesleepcoach


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Claire and her team use a holistic, whole-child-focused approach to individually help families with gentle sleep solutions.

Gentle sleep coaches use the underpinning ‘Gentle Parenting’ concept to encourage your child to sleep rather than forcing them into a predefined structure.

Having struggled herself, Claire decided to become a Certified Infant and Child Holistic Sleep Consultant to help other families overcome the hurdles she faced.

Claire offers routines and guides that you can buy outright, a subscription to her channel, and one-to-one coaching.


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Her Insta feed is pleasing to the eye and offers a bunch of hands-on advice on gentle sleeping methods. She talks about floor beds, noisy newborn sleep, babies standing in cots, night awakenings, and more.

Follow @thegentlesleepcoach for:

  • Guides on common sleep stages
  • Advice on no-cry sleep methods
  • Her gentle parenting sleep podcast
  • How-to reels

13. Best for Helpful reels: Little Bo Sleep – @littlebo_sleep


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Little Bo Sleep, founded by mum of two, Lauren, is another one of our top Insta accounts by gentle sleep coaches. She focuses on gentle sleep using age-appropriate routines and sleep training techniques.

A certified Baby Sleep Consultant and Natural Therapist, Lauren offers a library of consultancy packages for in-person, phone, and email sleep support. She’s experienced in helping parents with both toddlers and babies and provides you with a Sleep Bible to take away.


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Laura’s feed is packed with helpful Insta reels that explain both common and complex sleep issues that affect babies, toddlers, and parents.

14. Best for Anxiety: 28-baby-sleep-coach-reann-1605686

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Rachel Reann specializes in helping parents of babies and toddlers overcome sleep anxiety. Dealing with postpartum and motherhood issues, Rachel uses a Baby-Led Sleep approach in her coaching.

Having suffered perinatal mood disorders, Rachel understands the toll of motherhood on mental health and the depressive symptoms parents often experienced when faced with poor quality sleep. She believes children can sleep and want to sleep, and that with a whole-family outlook, everyone can find what works for them.

She offers eBooks, webinars, and coaching sessions.


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Her Insta feed debunks myths, answers questions, and explains baby-led sleep tactics.

Follow Rachel for:

  • Myth debunking
  • Answers to common sleep questions
  • Techniques for baby-led sleep
  • Q&A reels
  • Funny parenting tweets

15. Best for Working Parents: Little Sleep Coach – @littlesleepcoach


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The Little Sleep Coach, founded by Liz, offers clients a personal sleep action plan with custom support. There’s also affordable guides and coaching calls available for all parents of babies and toddlers.

Liz gives a lot of good advice for working parents, especially for those trying to work from home with young children.


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Liz has a passion for photography which can be seen in her beautiful and well-organized feed.

Follow The Little Sleep Coach for tips on:

  • Dropping the swaddle
  • Working from home
  • Overtiredness
  • Sleep schedules
  • Sharing the old

In Short

Whether you’re looking for a sleep coaching plan or a few simple tips for sleep success, these 15 baby sleep coaches provide an incredible range of services and hands-on advice to help you with your little one’s sleep.

If you feel like you’d benefit from a sleep training course or some one-on-one support, reach out to pediatric sleep consultant and qualified nurse, Cara Dumpalin (@takingcarababies).

Her clients rave about their sleep improvements and her Insta is a pleasure to follow.

She offers classes for newborns and older babies (up to toddler), along with phone consultations, and lots of free resources.